Hello Bangkok II and III
Combined because I'm running out of time to blog......or rather, I'm feeling tired after badminton yesterday and floorball this afternoon. (0__0);; Besides, I have this bunch of drawing assignments waiting for me to work on.......
1) More food?

You know, one rarely hears or sees a fat Thai person. Ever wondered why? Perhaps it has something to do with their diet. Many Thai dishes focus on raw vegetables and spicy stuff. I love their salads and bet I'll be lovely and slim if I lived in Bangkok for many years. XD The last image reminds me of this pokok semalu plant I remember seeing when I was a kid. You know, those plants that shrink back when you touch them.....
2) People Love...what?

Alright, quiz time. What do these images have in common? I've given a huge clue with those bright blue circles. Yes, you're right. These people are all wearing yellow. It was a Monday when I strolled into the mall with my Thai colleagues and was greeted by a sea of yellow. It was quite an amazing spectacle.
In Thailand, one typically wears yellow to honor the King on Monday. It's not a crime to NOT wear one but looking at the yellow fields, I'm guessing that many individuals look up to the King.

I was tempted to buy one myself (just for the fun of it) but thought that this may not please the Singaporean or Malaysian government. Besides, I already have The Great King in my heart (hehe).
3) Off to the streets
If it weren't for my business trips and client presentations, I would have eaten more street food and experience the more daily routines of the local people. You never know when your stomach has a crazy reaction to all the foreign food. (^_^);; Since I was at training in my 3rd trip, I took the opportunity to try out street pad thai!

It looks like a regular mamak stall.

They have a different type of bottled water = Water packed in glass bottles

They also drink out of these metal mugs. In Singapore/Malaysia, don't they use these mugs to carry dhal or curry? (0_0)

Ta-da, my dream street food~ Cheap and delicious authentic pad thai! This costs about SGD 1.40. Goodness, that's dirt cheap in these days.
Last but not least, you know you're in Thailand when......

In a nutshell, I like Thailand. Interesting country with nice people, good healthy & cheap food and rich traditional heritages. I don't quite get the whole king thing but that's not enough to deter me from visiting this country again! (:D)
Considering that I'll be making a trip to India next week, I had better finish blogging on Bangkok, Thailand. XD
Hello Bangkok I
There are four things I noted in Thailand.
1) Food
It's a shame that I can't quite remember what these dishes were, especially the 2nd image, which I know was pretty good. The first is something like Pandan Chicken, while the third image is green curry and the fourth is some coconut milk based- dessert. But as a whole, it was good although not necessarily authentic.
2) Funky colored taxis
Thailand has this interesting color code tradition.
Monday - yellow
Tuesday - pink
Wednesday - green
Thursday - orange
Friday - blue
Saturday - violet
Sunday - red
As a result, their taxis tend to be colored similarly.

Pink is one bizarre color for a taxi IMO.

Don't believe me that this is a taxi? Check out the exquisite logo. XD
3) People love the King
In my journey to the airport, I noticed these structures.

"Ohhhh it's the King.
Ah the King again.
...King again.
Yet another King.
And another....King?"
In the airport, I see more King too........

I won't comment further about the Thai King although their reverence for him is quite..... interesting.
4) Intricately Designed Airport

Speaking of the airport, I noticed some really fine structures in the Suparnavarbumi International Airport. I, especially like these spiral arches, and found them cool. A thought did cross my mind, "Gee, I wonder how one keeps this massive structure clean?"

Wonder no more. No wait.....I wonder how much this dude gets paid to do this.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Music Playlist Game!
- Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle.
- Using the following questions, press play.
- Use the song titles that come up to answer them.
- Don't cheat or your appendages will be cut off. :B
I debated between using my English, Chinese, Japanese and Christian playlists. I’ve decided to use the English playlist since it’s more self-centered in nature (more relevant to the questions here) and I don’t have to deal with translations. XD
1. How does the world see me?
Cotton Eye Joe (Remix) - Rednex
[Erm, I’m not a heartbreaker/lady killer like good old Joe.]
2. Will I have a happy life?
Some Kind of Wonderful- Sky
[Who is this ‘wonderful’ girl? “I’ll be your baby if you let me hold your soul.’ I hope her life is a happy one though.]
3. What do people really think of me?
Heaven is a Place on Earth – Belinda Carlisle
[Do I make ppl like they’re in heaven? OK that sounds sooo wrong.]
4. Do people secretly lust after me?
Forbidden Love - Madonna
5. How can I make myself happy?
Hit me Baby One more time – Britney Spears
[Bwahahahaha! Hit myself or let myself be hit?]
6. What should I do with my life?
Bring me to Life - Evanescence
[If I direct these lyrics to God, I actually have an interpretation that makes much sense.]
7. Will I ever have children?
Without You – Jesse McCarthy
[The title alone sounds like I will have none but the lyrics declare that I can’t live without some partner so I guess I will have kids after all]
8. What is some good advice for me?
Running in the family – Level 42
[I should appreciate certain things that run in the family?]
9. What do I think my current theme song is?
[you have got to be KIDDING…..^^;; this is a crack song]
10. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Comfortable – John Mayer
[well, if ppl are comfortable with me being crazy/weird/hyper/on crack….]
11. What song will be played at my funeral?
Material Girl - Madonna
[ROTFL…..you can’t be serious XD]
12. What is my day going to be like?
All for you - Janet Jackson
[Not sure how to explains the day but the lyrics scream ‘party and flirt’….oh dear]
13. Why am I here?
Too Many Broken Hearts – Jason Donovan
[To save hearts from being broken? LOL]
14. What will people remember me for?
Remember Me – Hoobastank
[The title seems to fit but the actual lyrics are quite angsty and emo “you’ll never going to be a part of me” ^_^;; ]
15. What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Special Kind of Something
[this song speaks of learning to love and give – good song]
16. Are there people waiting outside to take me away?
Sensuality – ATB
[ (0_o);; no comment ]
17. What will this year be all about?
Kiss From a Rose - Seal
[Meeting someone who becomes an unhealthy obsession?…..uh-oh]
18. If you reached the top of
Sing Me Your Song Again, Daddy – Jose Mari Chan
[Argghh, no waaaaay!]
19. The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Don’t Call Me Baby – Madison Avenue
[Bwahahaha now that would be interesting. XD]
20. Your message to the world.
Pretty Fly – The Offspring
[ROTFL!! This is wrong in so many dimensions.]
21. Your deepest secret.
Only When I Sleep – The Corrs
[I guess it’s not a secret anymore, dreaming about some guy]
22. Your innermost desire.
Paintings on my Mind – Tommy Page
[Aiyo, what a sad song. No no no, that is definitely not my innermost desire.]
23. Your oldest memory makes you think...
Scream – Michael Jackson (and Janet Jackson)
[“Stop pressuring me, make me wanna scream….” Was it *that* bad?]
24. Somewhere in your wedding vows you'll include:
Lemon Tree – Fool’s Garden
[“I'm waiting for you, But nothing ever happens and I wonder” – What type of wedding is this? So depressing……]
25. When you wake up in the morning you mutter?
My Humps - Black Eyed Peas
[ Oh man……LOL this is bad. Thinking about my humps so early in the day?]
26. Right now, your feelings are:
It’s My Time to Fly – The Urge
[“Bring us to victory, dreams become reality.
It’s my time to fly. Father, be with me tonight.
I'm right on target. Keep the dream alive”
You know, that actually works…XD]
27. The day you fall in love will be the day that:
No Scrubs – TLC
[No no no….]
28. Your scream during sex:
I Like the Way You Move - BodyRockers
29. Your farewell message to the readers:
Take on Me - Aha
[I never quite understood the meaning behind the lyrics….but I know
Anyone is most welcomed to waste their time on this. It was pointless fun but fun anyway. ^^ I obtained this from Vernhal's DeviantArt website --> http://oo-shironami-oo.deviantart.com/