Considering that I'll be making a trip to India next week, I had better finish blogging on Bangkok, Thailand. XD
Hello Bangkok I
There are four things I noted in Thailand.
1) Food
It's a shame that I can't quite remember what these dishes were, especially the 2nd image, which I know was pretty good. The first is something like Pandan Chicken, while the third image is green curry and the fourth is some coconut milk based- dessert. But as a whole, it was good although not necessarily authentic.
2) Funky colored taxis
Thailand has this interesting color code tradition.
Monday - yellow
Tuesday - pink
Wednesday - green
Thursday - orange
Friday - blue
Saturday - violet
Sunday - red
As a result, their taxis tend to be colored similarly.

Pink is one bizarre color for a taxi IMO.

Don't believe me that this is a taxi? Check out the exquisite logo. XD
3) People love the King
In my journey to the airport, I noticed these structures.

"Ohhhh it's the King.
Ah the King again.
...King again.
Yet another King.
And another....King?"
In the airport, I see more King too........

I won't comment further about the Thai King although their reverence for him is quite..... interesting.
4) Intricately Designed Airport

Speaking of the airport, I noticed some really fine structures in the Suparnavarbumi International Airport. I, especially like these spiral arches, and found them cool. A thought did cross my mind, "Gee, I wonder how one keeps this massive structure clean?"

Wonder no more. No wait.....I wonder how much this dude gets paid to do this.
I'm wondering if I have tried that dish in the second picture. Hard to tell from the small size, is it fried, sweet, sticky noodles?
Ack, my apologies Dave for this slow response.
If I recall properly, the 2nd pic is not a noodle dish but rather, a type of curry. Unfortunately, I didn't take notes down and recently, I've been blogging months after a certain trip is completed (no good! I can't remember the details).
I need to be more diligent in details in my future trips. ^_^
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