Oh jetlag, what shall I do with thee?
I just read that jetlag is more deeply experienced when travelling eastwards, rather than westward. My dear French colleague also told me that jetlag is typically worse when the time difference is 6 hours (EUR) rather than 12 hours (USA).
Urgh. I would like to affirm both points. My recent trip to the Netherlands was interesting and fulfilling but man, it's almost 4 a.m. and I can't sleep no matter what I do.
Count sheep. Read boring books.** Exercise. Clear my mind. Roll around in bed. Play with my hamsters.
My mind is just hyper-active with all sorts of thoughts :
- Mentally preparing myself for the huge task of analyzing Chicken Sensory-Consumer data this week. You may laugh, it does sound amusing. "Hey folks, I have this Chicken project!"
- Sorting out thoughts and feelings about some folks in church (sigh sigh sigh)
- Trying to understand an atheist's point of view on God (or lack of, really). Currently reading two books Christopher Hitchen's "god is not great" and Richard Dawkin's "The God Delusion." I get the impression that these ppl have been traumatized by lousy experiences with Christians/Catholics. I'm quite mortified, really. But I do find their reasonings pretty interesting, making me wonder what would I be if I gave up on believing on God.
- Thinking of how to get random errands done - fixing my bike, reapplying for a new ATM card, updating my Popular bookstore membership, paying off debts (LOL)
- Chuckling at the funny Facebook anthem on YouTube shared by the Pest - it's so true. Enough applications, already! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZzP_69ZTFk
- Wondering what I'm going to eat tomorrow for breakfast. My stomach is rumbling at 4 a.m. Great.
- Lamenting about how delayed all my art projects and my preparation for the Japan mission trip are (sigh sigh sigh)
The fact that I'm blogging once again suggests that I may be successfully regaining some level of focus and sense of organization in my schedule. Yay.
** Agatha Christie While the Light Lasts isn't really boring. It's just that I have such a short-reading-attention-span. I can't believe I read two short stories word for word.