I have a confession to make...
I think Jonas Brothers are cute.
As in 'hot' cute. *screams*
I need professional help.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Alpha Course: Meaning of Life
I've signed up as a facilitator for this 10-week session that will be organized in the church I currently attend this month onwards. I guess what they mean by facilitating is leading the group in discussions about the Christian faith.
I can't say that I'm diligently preparing myself but I often find myself reading about religions of the world these recent days. Some say that one way to fully appreciate the Christian faith is to understand what else is out there. I'm not only reading about other religions but also about philosophies such as secular humanism, which I suspect most of my friends pledged to living their lives (whether they openly proclaim it or are even aware of it).
So far, questions that are floating in my mind include those that argue against the Christian faith. I guess I'm used to hearing criticism of Christianity. After all, I often question my own faith and carry a healthy amount of skepticism. God knows that I dislike religion. I frown upon meaningless boring routines and the dangerous passionate zeal that overrides a rational mind. I won't elaborate except that the Alpha Course shares that the Christian faith is NOT what the previous sentence states. If you're uncertain, do come over for the Alpha Course at any church near your area and comfortably bring forth your views, even if you have philosophical grudges against the Christian doctrine...eh, I mean, if you have differing opinions. XD
Seriously, the Alpha course is a informal, relaxing and open forum discussion about the Christian faith and meaning of life in general. Come on over ~
********Japan Mission Trip: Almost Final Entry*********
It was at a Thai restaurant when DL and JL brought us to meet their friend, “MS” as they call him. The food was good (it’s pad thai, come on XD) but I mostly remember the ambience of the place. First, it was at the basement level and secondly, the lights are somewhat dimmed, reminding me of a bar. Heh.
But anyway, what was more interesting was meeting MS-san whose major is East Asian Studies. If I remember correctly, he is currently studying SEVEN languages. Seven. As it is, I’m already struggling with four, namely English, Malay/Indonesia, Mandarin and Japanese. How does this guy even do it?I can’t remember all the languages he’s studying but Thai is definitely one of them.
I’m reminded of how fascinating Asia is as a region, rich in culture and diversity. I’m also reminded of how fulfilled I feel to be back in this region. It may not be one of the wealthiest regions in the world but it certainly is rich in many other aspects. This experience made me feel more comfortable being who I am, really.
I’m also surprised by how open the Japanese students were to other cultures. Forgive me, I originally thought that Japan was strictly homogenous in culture and mindset. Meeting MS-san and his friends changed me perception. =) It’s good that I made this Japan trip. I needed to change my way of thinking and assumptions.
MSsan will be visiting Singapore this September so we’re looking forward to it! I hope we can find lots of new things to show him. ^_^
DW giving Masa-san durian cake – I can’t remember if he likes durian or not (0__0);;
JL arranged with her friend Izumi-san to meet up with some friends for an English Corner session. We made our way there right after our visit to Rikyo University.

It was here that I was introduced to a Hawaii inspired dish called Rocomoco, which I can best describe as rice with burger.
It was a simple casual dinner where we converse in English with our new Japanese acquaintances. I recall that IZ-san is studying the Spanish language, which I thought was an unusual language selection.
Anyway, more importantly, I found my drawing skills to be particularly useful at this point. There were terms that were difficult to describe in the English language and were more easily explained through drawing. Fancy that: Hand gestures, facial expressions and sketches were better communication tools than our languages.

I was trying to explain local fruits and the Michigan State University mascot: Spartan
I thought the sketching was a blessing in the interaction that took place. Once again, I was encouraged to know that maybe my drawing skills can help break through some barriers, whether linguistic or cultural in nature.

I'm not fond of Doraemon but this character is really well-known in our region. The girl characters scream bishoujo manga, don't they?

I'm not fond of Doraemon but this character is really well-known in our region. The girl characters scream bishoujo manga, don't they?
I consider myself pretty lucky to have met these students. They were really friendly and offered fresh perspectives in life. If there is one thing I like about the student life, it's the sense of hope and excitement for the new future that comes around the corner after graduation. I sincerely wish MS-san, IZ-san and friends all the best in their studies and future careers. =)
Next: Dun dun dun.....The Final Day, finally.
Next: Dun dun dun.....The Final Day, finally.