Last Stop 2007: Taiwan
It's the last day of Jan 2008. You would think I should have wrapped up with 2007 by now but nooooo.....Mave is too busy. Too busy procrastinating, that is.
Ok, here's the deal. I hooked up with a group of teacher friends and joined them for a trip to Taiwan.
While we experienced car sickness, extreme cold and lost a shoe or two, we created great memories of fun and laughter. We also had the chance to reconnect with nature (climbed a few hills) and lost some weight (climbed a few hills). I blew off money on things I don't need and learnt quite a few new card games plus gained some Chinese vocabulary. Neat, hmm?
I've already posted at Facebook so I'm only plugging a few random shots here.
Farewell 2007!
2nd Last Stop 2007: Malaysia ~ 5BratsnCo Reunion & Wedding Bells
This was a historical moment for my girls ~ Full reunion after almost 10 years and our first wedding~
One of our Brats is now a missus. Dang you, Mr. Khong!! *shakes fist at her high school senior*
CONGRATULATIONS to the great-looking couple! May God shower blessings upon you two and shine His Glory in your lives even more ~ Yay!! XD
I love you, guys! So happy we're back together! *group hugs*
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Losing my purpose.....
It's only halfway through the week and I'm fatigued, sick and moody. What's going on?
I know this happens often enough: I hear this from other colleagues, friends and acquaintances all the time. But, I'm wondering: Should it be this way?
First, I thought I was using the Internet too often so I decided to take a fast from it since yesterday. I know, I'm technnically using the Internet now. As you can see, I love the Internet a lot and am not doing too well in this fast.
Addictions aside, this morning, I picked up Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life and a lightbulb pops up the moment I hit Chapter 3: What Drives Your Life?
"Nothing matters more than knowing God's purposes for your life, and nothing can compensate for not knowing them - not success, wealth, fame, or pleasure. Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction and events without reason.
Knowing your purpose simplifies your life. If defines what you do and what you don't do. Your purpose becomes the standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential and which aren't. You simply ask "Does this activity help me fulfil one of God's purposes for my life?"
Without a clear purpose, you have no foundation on which you base decisions, allocate your time and use your resources. You tend to make choices based on circumstances, pressures and your mood at that moment. People who don't know their purpose try to do too much - and that causes fatigue, stress and conflict.
It is impossible to do everything ppl want you to do. You just have enough time to do God's Will. If you can't get it all done, it means you're trying to do more than God intended for you to do (or possibly, that you're watching too much TV =D). Purpose driven living leads to a simpler lifestyle and saner schedule. "
I'm glad I read this. It comes in at a very timely moment where I feel my life is spinning out of control and I'm reluctantly dragging myself out of bed. God help me, I really want to rediscover my purpose in life.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Last remnants of 2007....
First Stop: Sydney
The last time I went to Australia was almost 7-8 years ago, at Brisbane. Since this was strictly a business trip, I didn't really go sight-seeing with the exception of Opera House.
But I made up for it with some eating. =D, making notes on some interesting stuff.