I feel a bit tired today. Everyone's got so many problems but they're not talking about it. Both online and offline. God, what should I do? I don't feel adequate enough to reach out to others and help them. Am I relying too much on my strength again? Am I not surrendering enough to You? I'm sorry for thinking that I can save the whole world. I just can't, only Jesus can. Jesus, pls help. Help ease my sorrows and pain I feel for others. At the moment, I feel so helpless.
I'm surprised at the amount of deeper emotions hidden behinds some of the posts in CAA. I never knew some had to control their true feelings and for the sake of everyone's peace, they have been strong for not bursting out and being patient. I wonder whether I've been holding back my feelings as well. Gee, I'm feeling like a fake at the moment. I'm doing my best not to reveal my true feelings on the blog, lest I give the wrong impression to others of myself. Is that wrong? It does sound like it.
I'm frustrated with the whole bootleg/piracy issue. I'm on the fence with this one. What I don't understand is why is there so much tension about it? Everyone to their own conviction. Isn't that good enough? After all, there are other Christian issues that are of great importance as well. I'm here to say that Christians can never be perfect. Any Christian who believes in that has made a mistake. We're not holier than you, we're just forgiven ppl. That's it. Nothing of our own doing will elevate us higher than you, who do not believe in God. I am just a wretch, a scum, like everyone else. But thank God, He still loves me and you. God, have mercy on us all.
Oh yeah, I only ask for one thing though regarding MSN messaging: Pls don't message me in daytime weekdays when I'm working or when my SN shows I'm busy or away. I can't chat all the time. I just don't have the time to do so. How am I going to reply to emails, PMs, post on CAA, surf or even do my manga work, if my time is taken up with chats? Or at least, when you message me, pls ask me whether I'm willing to chat and respect my response if I say "No", please? Thanks, I really appreciate your cooperation. ^^