There is a time to blog....
Before I get to Japan, I forgot a few things worth mentioning. Things have been crazy since the month of May and this is why:
i) Trip to Netherlands
I visited the European region for the first time in my life! I made some conclusions after 5 days of being in this country.
- Life is more slow-paced in a good way. Everyone works but no one is frantic like most folks in Asia.
- The countryside is not a bad place to live in. Personally, I enjoyed the tranquility. Cycling around the countryside was also fun and I got very excited seeing random horses, cattle and sheep around. I kid you not. Oh and beer is nice there too.
- Working in a global team is cool and my global colleagues from France, USA and Mexico are really awesome. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with them and the chance to meet them in person.
Apparently, this is a modern windmill. Looks like a jet propeller to me (0_0)
Woohoo, check out Death on the streets!
I thought the architecture of these buildings in Amsterdam were beautiful. Looks rather majestic to me.
I have many more photos from my colleagues, which I just need to pick up but keep forgetting! Gah, I'll do it tomorrow and place the extras on Facebook.
ii) My koko's wedding
Goodness, that's unpardonable! All I wanna say I'm super happy for my koko and my sister-in-law. Love you guys! *hugs and shakes fist "I'm so gonna beat your a$$ in mahjoooooonggg* *gets whipped in the end by the Ichigo phenomena* XDDD
My brother inspired me to patiently wait for the one God intended. Seriously.
My sister-in-law inspired me to be a beautiful glowing bride. I want to be a wonderful wife and partner to my future husband. Seriously.
CONGRATULATIONS! (seems belated but it's Ok, I was there to celebrate)
iii) Church retreat
Oh man, I haven't been in Port Dickson for the longest time. What was significant about this trip was that I shared the Good News for the first time! It sounds silly but I'm really cowardly when I comes to talking about my faith. I don't know why - maybe I'm used to facing such tough skeptics, I sometimes don't even bother. But apparently, there are ppl out there who want to get to know the Christian faith and are open to such sharings. I'm thankful and believe this paves the way to many more opportunities. =)
Part of the English Corner group, including Pastor. I'm really glad that I join this ministry, getting to know these nice students from China =)
Most of the church members enthusiastically did these late night feasts on satay, durian and teh tarik. That's really terrible for one's health but hey, I'm joining in the fun!
I think the English Corner kids enjoyed the durian too. LOL
This post is getting a little too long.....
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