Paddings are usually for safety...
Y'know, I should be posting about my Japan Mission trip but I have to get this one out of my system.
Last 2 weeks, I was shopping for my dear LY's ROM event on the July 3rd (wuhey, it's today! Congratulations, babe!). You see, I have this nice tube dress and I obviously need a strapless bra.
I walked into Metro and went to the lingerie section. It's natural to feel around the bras to get an idea of what would be comfortable.
I was shocked at how THICK some of the paddings were! Holy moly, I swear some of them are more than an 1 inch thick! Folks, it's like wearing friggin' two sponges on your chest around. To make things worse, most of the bras had paddings that were that thick.
Pushup bra or not, I suddenly feel a lot better about myself - the flat chested gal who doesn't like the fact that all her body fat is congregating at her thighs/butt and not her chest. I have no idea how it feels like to have a cleavage.
Not only that, I'm starting to suspect that many gals out who boast cleavages, are much "smaller" than one would perceived. "*gasp* So you're really just an A or B cup, you cheat!" LOL
My next immediate reaction was to feel a bit sorry for guys. It just seems deceiving. But I suppose, we could say the same about makeup. "Hey boys, check out what I've got. Marry me and you'll realize all my little dirty secrets to making myself more beautiful than I really am." If I were a guy, I would make sure I know whom I'm marrying so that I won't wake up on my honeymoon morning, turn around to my partner in bed and get a fright - "Holy crap, who are you!??"
Don't get me wrong. I'm ok with some enhancements but let's not take it too far, shall we? Do we really need boob jobs, Botox and plastic surgery? Do I really need to wear so much makeup that no one can recognize me anymore (ok, I make exceptions for theatrical acts or cosplaying)? I was ticked off when someone said he didn't mind me getting a boob job. Maybe no harm was intended but guys, how would you feel if wife/gf said that she wouldn't mind you getting a penis-enhancement job?
But anyway, to summarize my trip, I did manage to find a nice bra that wasn't ridiculously padded and yet comfortable. My tube dress held up well during LY's ROM. =D Three cheers for us A & B cup ladies!
RICE BOWLS *LOL* Dude! My former colleagues did mention jokingly that they're gonna buy me some push-up bras to help me get a little *gasp* "meat", haha.
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