Before leaving for Japan.....
...quite a few interesting things/events happened the week before.
1) Monday June 16th - KTV session with the teacher 'gang' at Woodlands PartyWorld.
Since most of the songs were in Chinese, I brought pinyin lyrics along. I felt a bit embarrassed and self-conscious about it. Not only that, I couldn't sing well! LOL I did more fumbling than singing. But ah well, I just hope everyone had a good time. On a more serious note, I really appreciate the kindness and grace in this friendly environment. Maybe these teachers are used to poor performers LOL! Anyway, this motivates me to improve and work harder on learning the language. It's really been hard for me to forgive the contempt I received from some unkind Chinese language speakers. See? I just had to say that, didn't I? It's so hard to forget....
2) Wednesday June 18th - Hamsters almost killed each other.
About 15 minutes before I left for work that morning, I heard my hamsters squeal in an unusual way. Ok, they've been squeaking a lot for the last 2 days but I have to admit that I ignored it, thinking they'll get over it. I guess they didn't.
I realized that one was biting another really hard; thus the squeals of pain. My first instinct was to poke them with a wooden chopstick, yelling "Hey, STOP THAT!" But, the attacker meant serious business and wasn't going to let go. My heart dropped and I quickly rushed off to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.
Guess the shock of cold water was enough to separate both of them. The injured one ran to the house and hid there. I was pretty horrified at her condition: Bloody all over the head. I immediately move her to the empty travelling cage that belongs to my landlady's daughter. I tore up a lot of tissue paper and gave her some food and water. I, then, rushed off to work.
What was retarded was the fact that I had an important meeting at 9 a.m. If I didn't, I would have gone to work late. It was a pretty miserable meeting - I didn't feel like paying attention and wondered how my poor injured hamster is doing. Maybe she's bleeding to death? (0__0)
After the meeting, I did some online searches on medicating my little one and ran out from office to Causeway Point, with hopes that Mary was still alive. I bought Betadine iodine and a pair of little scissors. At home, my little one was still moving but blood had dried up on her head. She looked like a complete mess. D= I wore gloves, diluted the iodine solution and started dabbing her wounds. I also clipped off some fur.
A few days forward, what really bothered me was her left eye. It had turned white, her eye kept watering and she couldn't close her eye shut. My heart sank. What should I do? Bring her to the vet? But I was leaving for Japan that very morning. I prayed about it and decided to leave it to the hands of fate. May God take care of my little Mary. I left her to my landlady's daughter to give her food and water, with hopes she'll get better during my absence.
I worried for Mary throughout the trip but there was nothing I could do. Post-Japan trip, I now happily report that she's doing much better now. Her eye has gone back to black and she can shut it close now (swelling has gone down). Her fur is growing back. She seems happy, running around as if nothing had happened, except for a new cage. =) Thank God.
I'm also thankful that my hamsters fought when I was AROUND. Can you imagine what would have happened if I wasn't?! One would have probably killed the other. I might have come home to a dead body and bloody mess.
FREAKY. Praise God that didn't happen.
iii) Friday, June 20th - Tina's birthday at St James
It was a good event although most ppl couldn't make it. I met her friend Vera at Vivocity and we ate at this Kuching Restaurant. Yummy! Also, I gave Tina a nice necklace.
My only regret is that I was VERY tired that night. You see, one day before I go on leave, I suddenly have so much to do! Don't you just hate that?! All these last minute assignments....

The place at St James was really nice! I love the jazz music atmosphere (they played Jamie Cullum songs) and I liked the chocolate milk liquor they made, whatever it's called (Double Yum!). Being there was relaxing and my only wish was that I would not have to leave the next day for Japan. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to leave for Japan but it would have been nice to relax there.
We left by 10 p.m. vowing to return with more time in hand and more ppl (these Pathmakers must be prodded harder next time). But it does seem that if I were to check out the clubbing scene, I'll have to do it by myself or with another group of friends.
Back home, I went back to my office work: Powerpoint presentations and emails. That night, I barely slept at all. Maybe 2 hours? Yah, I was very tired upon leaving for Japan.
There you have it....that was one week before Japan.
Next: Reaching Japan.....dun dun dun
Breakdowns in hamster negotiations are ugly things...
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