Back in Malaysia
Now that I've been officially back in my beloved home country for a month, I feel terribly obligated to post something intelligent or possibly edifying.
Hmm, this could take a moment. I suspect all that nasi lemak, char kuey teow, chee cheong fan, kai fan and roti canai has played some role in the deterioration of my write-blogging skills. Only a food scientist can get away with a statement like that.
Ok, let's take the topical route.
Taking more showers does have its benefit. After hearing horror stories from The Pest on how the Malaysia weather can potentially ruin Michigan pampered skin, I've declared war against all forms of evil that threaten the sanctity of the female skin and wash my face religiously.
**Eating Habits**
If there's a culture shock I experienced, it has to be food-related. Deep fried food ahoy! Late suppers! Oil brimming in curry pots! Wow, Malaysia is truly a indulgent's heaven and dieter's nightmare combined into one. I suspect one can consume fat just by inhaling in the oil-saturated air in some restaurants/hawker stalls. *laughs*
Apart from applauding my friend's mad driving/parking skillz including old buddy Cyber-Red, drivers in Malaysia impressed me by how gracefully they slide in between lanes and forget traffic rules. I don't know if being gracefully rude and inconsiderate is 'in' but hey, Visit Malaysia 2007, folks! Just watch out for the parang-wielding motorcyclists and speeding taxi drivers.
Yikes...looks like I came back at the right and wrong time. MegaSale ~ Right, Jobless ~ Wrong. What could be more frustrating than wanting to buy stuff and holding back because one is still waiting to get employed? But after a few trips with friends, I've discovered something about myself. I'm an anti-shopper! A marketing nightmare!
70% discount? ~ Bah! 70% savings, 30% spending
Free gift? ~ Bah! I don't need that.
Cheap sale? ~ Bah! You marked up the prices, bloodsuckers! Your high margin profits disgust me!
And yet, the shopping humbug has her weaknesses. The latest shopping dilemma is RM60.00 for a toy white baby seal vs RM 48.00 for LeeHom's latest album, "Heroes of the Earth." Yeah, tough decision, I know. If I had a job, I'll take both. No questions asked.
Speaking of this delightful chap, I've just discovered how much I dig his most recent music style. His latest album demonstrates his production talent in combining American hip-hop/R&B with traditional Chinese musical elements. I never knew that Chinese opera singing could get along with street rap but I guess LeeHom made it happen with some help of his ABC background. Hard work and creativity acknowledged, brotha'. If this is what being "chinked-out" means, I like it. A LOT. Excuse me as I go memorize the lyrics of all his songs and wonder why he strangely reminds me of Uncle Saw Meng in the image above.
It's great to be home. :)
Do you know where one can find some sample songs of Leehom? I'm curious how he compairs to Jay Chow.
Nevermind, I found it.
He's pretty good. The weird thing is unlike before I don't hate Mando-pop anymore. I guess it's nastalgia from Taiwan days.
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