Ok, enough whining and self-pitying. It's time to make...

SUSHI ROLLS: One of God's gift to mankind. *thumbs up* It takes me approximately 1 hour to make 4-5 of these rolls. Granted, I still need practice and one day, I'll make them look professional aka properly shaped. But for now, I'm pretty happy with my simple homemade (and cheap) sushi for now. Hehe.
Man, that is the sorriest looking sushi I've ever seen.
:p HAHA, I'm joking with you. Those look really good. I didn't realize it took such a long time to make sushi. How do they taste?
I'm thankful you are in a better mood - you are in a better mood, right? Or, are you just covering over your bad mood with sushi and false happiness? (~_^)
Anyway, you take care of yourself and have a blessed Thanksgiving.
*hug* ^________^
=P The taste makes up for how it looks. Cooking and making some foods from scratch are always good experiences and I think it's healthier to eat less processed food.
Overall, I'm getting a hang of things.
I think.
ive been having Jap pretty often urgh lol...
but i still, love 'em sushissssssssssss
make for mee when u come home =P
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