I've been cleaning up my old hotmail account and remember most of my old friends in Taylor's Evangelical Fellowship. While I vaguely remember names, I do recalls their faces and their personalities. I realized that I knew them but never really *knew* them. I was not a strong christian then and never really did much to support anyone spiritually (or rather, I couldn't).
I am deeply saddened coz from what I've heard so far, one of them, reverted to Islam and another abandoned Jesus because of a painful g/b relationship. How could this happen? How could one reject God after experiencing the joy and peace of believing in Jesus? Perhaps they never truly experienced it? Maybe they gave up on imperfect christians surrounding them? Only God knows.
I regret that I could have been there even though it's obvious that I just couldn't. I feel silly with this kind of thought but the sorrow is real. There are times I wished I had accepted Jesus earlier and had become stronger in my faith. But my God, you don't count the past and therefore, I release my guilt. My heart still feels the pain seeing your sheep abandon you but I will fight for them through prayer. May my prayer reach across the world and may its power be known. I believe Jesus that if I pray for them, divine power will be upon their lives.
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